Author name: Dimitar Alimaskoski

suppliers buyers

Supply chain solutions to boost buyer-supplier relations

A strong and effective supply chain is essential to success in today’s ever-changing business environment. The vital interaction between suppliers and buyers is at the center of this complex network. In fact, the basis for a smooth and successful supply chain is created by these two entities. The strength of this alliance can strongly impact …

Supply chain solutions to boost buyer-supplier relations Read More »

smart investments, strong supply chains

Smart investments, strong supply chains: The connection you need to know

Today’s global economy is supported by supply chains, which act as a hub connecting manufacturers, suppliers, and consumers everywhere. They are essential in making sure that goods and services get to their destinations effectively and on schedule. In essence, supply chains ensure that every stage of producing and distributing a product, from the extraction of …

Smart investments, strong supply chains: The connection you need to know Read More »

how late payments affect suppliers

How late payments affect suppliers and how to address this issue

One of the most important factors for success when speaking of business transactions, is their timely payment. Timely payments are the bedrock of trust and reliability in any commercial venture. They ensure a seamless flow of resources, enabling businesses to meet their financial obligations, pay their employees, and invest in growth initiatives. Moreover, they fortify …

How late payments affect suppliers and how to address this issue Read More »

cash flow risk

Navigating cash flow risk: Proven tactics for business resilience

Cash flow risk refers to the potential fluctuations in a company’s incoming and outgoing cash, presenting a significant concern for businesses of all sizes and industries. It encompasses the uncertainty surrounding the timing, amount, and predictability of cash inflows and outflows. Effective management of cash flow is paramount for sustaining a healthy financial position. It …

Navigating cash flow risk: Proven tactics for business resilience Read More »

the future of global supply chain finance

The future of global supply chain finance – Trends and innovations

In an era defined by rapid technological advancements, global interconnectedness, and ever-evolving consumer demands, the landscape of global supply chain finance is undergoing a transformation of unprecedented magnitude. As businesses adapt to the demands of an increasingly complex marketplace, the traditional paradigms of supply chain financing are being redefined. The symbiotic relationship between finance and …

The future of global supply chain finance – Trends and innovations Read More »

supply chain finance in the oil and gas industry

Overcoming challenges using supply chain finance in the oil and gas industry

The oil and gas supply chains have recently experienced some challenging times. According to some industry analysts, the storm for businesses trying to manage the turbulence is still not completely passed. However, some approaches can help simplify overcoming the industry’s obstacles. Any industry can benefit from reducing expenses, boosting revenues, and raising profits. These solutions …

Overcoming challenges using supply chain finance in the oil and gas industry Read More »

Aerial view of a shipping port

Supply chain risk management: Safeguarding business stability

In the dynamic landscape of supply chain, effective risk management plays a pivotal role in ensuring the stability and resilience of businesses. Risk management involves the identification, assessment, and mitigation of potential threats that could impact the smooth functioning of the supply chain and financial operations. By proactively addressing risks, businesses can protect their financial …

Supply chain risk management: Safeguarding business stability Read More »

scf in retail

Challenges in the retail industry: How can supply chain finance help?

Retail is a large industry that includes everything from department stores to coffee shops, from the town square to online storefronts, and from the most optimistic changes to a possible end of the world. Retail is an ever-growing industry, which was shown during the annual State of Retail & the Consumer conference, where the retail …

Challenges in the retail industry: How can supply chain finance help? Read More »

Supply chain finance in telecommunications

Supply chain finance in telecommunications: Let’s talk.

For many years, the telecommunications sector has been dramatically changing the way people live, work, and play. The transition to 5G networks, the increased usage of emerging technologies like automation and artificial intelligence (AI), and the emergence of Internet of Things (IoT) applications are, however, occurring at a time when competition is at an all-time …

Supply chain finance in telecommunications: Let’s talk. Read More »